Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to your Privacy

PHLEBIO is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary information according to existing laws and standards. We carefully avoid unwarranted invasion or disclosure of clients’ privacy. We collect information associated with providing mobile health care related services. We are committed to complying with all applicable privacy and security laws and regulations, including the applicable aspects of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

To ensure that we protect our clients’ rights to privacy, the following guidelines apply:

1. Access to Protected Health Information (PHI) is limited to those permitted by law.

2. Maintaining computer passwords and access codes in a responsible and confidential manner.

3. Ensure that client information is not discussed in any public area.

4. Report violation of confidentiality breaches to the designated Privacy Officer or others in the chain of command.

Our Privacy Policy
At PHLEBIO, we have made it our mission to continue to adhere to our Compliance practices as set forth by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and the HITECH Act of 2010, endorsed by the United States Congress and overseen by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. PHLEBIO maintains HIPAA Compliance through required trainings and exams given to all its staff and management tiers twice per year.

We highly respect our clients and our company so that ensuring client confidentiality has become a non-negotiable objective. This is done by issuing each health care worker unique access into client files, extensive background checks for all personnel and staff, and routine follow-up calls and surveys to serviced clients regarding the health care services they receive.

We, at PHLEBIO, also complete routine risk assessments required by HIPAA law to ensure the safety and security of all staff functions, as well as all forms of data, whether in storage or while in transmission. Any problems identified in these risk assessments are immediately addressed at the highest possible security level to ensure client confidentiality at all times.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please reach to via email to

The Information We Collect

We collect pertinent personal information during the course of servicing our clients, such as Name, Address, and Date of Birth among other data classified as Protected Health Information (PHI). This also includes information describing one or more health condition associated with the services we are providing.

For mobile app users, we collect name, email address, phone number, as well as precise location data while the user is on active shift.  This information is necessary for the proper functioning of the app and for efficient routing.  All data will be deleted once the account is cancelled.

The app will clearly indicate when data is being collected during active shifts.  No collection of data is done after mobile users have ended their shift.

How Information is Transmitted

We receive sensitive information about our clients from parties involved in their care, such as doctor’s office, medical facility, medical groups, and other agencies providing care. We exchange such information securely using API (Application Programming Interface) conduits and encrypted email messages. We report back to the designated parties information associated with our services using similar secure means.

For mobile app users, the sensitive information we collect is securely encrypted during transmission using the highest available ciphers.  The app will clearly indicate when data is being transmitted during active shifts.  No transmission of data is done after mobile users have ended their shift.

How Information is Accessed

All information is accessed through secure methods and conduits. To prevent unauthorized access, PHLEBIO maintains high standards of data safeguards on a need-to-know basis. This ensures the appropriate use of information through strict physical, electronic, and managerial procedures. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take the required steps to verify your identity before granting access, providing information, or making any changes.